Policy affects all of us

Housing & Transportation

I believe that housing is a human right and should be the expectation of every resident of Durango to have access to safe affordable housing. Working together with our partners we can address the issues of the unhoused and provide additional housing for the working people of our city

As your council member, I am committed to coordinating with our housing providers to increase the number of housing units in our community without promoting sprawl. We can do this by expanding affordable housing production, preservation, and finding opportunities within our existing neighborhoods.

Housing and transportation are closely linked in planning, funding and vision.

As a member of the City Council, I’m committed to fully funding alternative transportation such as public transit, creating a great walkable community and enforcing speed limits.

Through the lens of Vision Zero, if adopted by the council, we can support enforcement, engineering, education, encouragement and evaluation to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries.

This effort would not only keep our community safe from fast moving traffic, but also improve economic development as research shows that creating walkable places improves the economic vitality of a community.

Parks and open spaces

Durango has In incredibly diverse parks and open spaces. The trail network, Rec Center, Lake Nighthorse, Recreation Center, BMX Track and Chapman are incredible community assets. As your representative, I commit to expand and enhance our existing network of trails and facilities. A common request has been for more time for all users at Chapman Hill Ice Rink. I am committed to working with Parks and Recreation to explore solutions to expand availability and access to Chapman Hill Ice Rink.

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please send a message! I would love to get in touch with you and discuss how we can work together to make Durango better for everyone.

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